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Friday, November 22

10:00 GMT+01

Post-Conference Half-Day Sustainable Development Excursion: Community Cemetery Sacred Tomb & Tree Nursery led by the High Atlas Foundation
Friday November 22, 2024 10:00 - 13:00 GMT+01
*Registration Required*

See Grassroots Sustainable Development in Action at Akrich Nursery with the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) 
The Akrich Nursery was established in 2014 as the first of several fruit tree nurseries HAF has built on land adjacent to Moroccan Jewish cemeteries as part of its House of Life program, which establishes a link between Muslim families and the Moroccan Jewish community. During the visit, you will learn about the history of Akrich nursery, its current operations, and the intersection of sustainable agriculture, cultural preservation, and human development.

Sample Agenda:
  • 10:00 AM Meet at the HAF office or your location and travel to Akrich (Tameslouht municipality, Al Haouz province) 
  • 10:45 AM Visit the Akrich community tree nursery that is adjacent to a 700-year-old Jewish cemetery and the tomb of Rabbi Raphael Hacohen; meet Abderrahim Beddah, the nursery caretaker 
  • 11:30 AM Walk or drive to the Achbarou Women's Carpet-making Cooperative 
  • 11:45 AM Arrive at Achbarou cooperative, meet its members, and learn about carpet-making Optional lunch for groups 
  • 12:30 PM Depart Achbarou for Marrakech 
  • 01:00 PM Arrive in Marrakech

Price USD $200, benefits the High Atlas Foundation and Includes:
  • Round-trip transportation 
  • HAF guided tour + Translation 
  • Lunch at Achbarou Women's Cooperative (includes Moroccan tea, Moroccan salad, Moroccan-style chicken, homemade bread, fresh fruit, and water, traditional welcome of dates and milk) 
  • $50 donation to support tree planting (additional donations can be sent separately) 

Friday November 22, 2024 10:00 - 13:00 GMT+01
High Atlas Foundation

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