About me
Vitor is an architect by training, with a PhD in urban planning and public health. His general research interests revolve around urbanization in the 'Global South', and the interaction between spatial planning and social development and well-being. More particularly, his activities focus on habitat and health issues related to rapid and largely "informal" urban growth. Methodologically, his work is based on geographic information systems (GIS), including participatory mapping based on mobile data collection tools.
He is also passionate about teaching, having co-designed and led the interdisciplinary course "Urban Planning in the South" at EPFL (2021-2024), and having actively contributed as teaching assistant first, and then guest lecturer, for the courses "Urban Geography" and "Spatial Planning" at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (2016-2022). Particularly, he is keen on stimulating critical thinking through interactive, project-based teaching.